Something about niche and niche selection

What is niche

Probably the most common word we hear from those who are affiliates is "niche". I often see newcomers asking this question, “Brother Nish? How do I get out? How would I know which one to take? ” These. Many people know, so this tune is only for newcomers.

Niche Marketing

In the language of marketing, when you promote a product with only a specific product, for a specific population, to meet a specific demand, we call it "niche marketing". Giving an example will make things easier. I think I will promote toothpaste in Bangladesh. I analyzed the data and found that 80% of people use toothpaste (assuming the other 40% do not, they use neem wood, ash, coal). So this 80% means 100 million people.

Now out of these 100 million people, again 50% use toothpaste for bad breath (close-up), 30% use toothpaste (Pepsodent), 20% use toothpaste to avoid toothache.

I decided I would target people who use toothpaste to get rid of toothache. That means I will only market to those 20% people. And this 20% is my "niche target market". And if I offer a product for this 20%, like "Sensodine toothpaste", then this product is my "niche".

So there must be 3 factors for "niche marketing"

1.A specific area. (Bangladesh in this case) 
2. Certain people who are looking for something. (Relieve toothache) 
3.A definite solution. (Sensodine toothpaste)

Those of us who are affiliates know the first point. Our area is USA. And the biggest market place in this country is Amazon. Now we need to find out from the area to meet the needs of certain people who are looking for "something". We will help them find "a solution". And this solution will be from those products, which are already available on Amazon.

how to find perfect niche

Now the question is, how do we find thousands of products? As we wish?

Not at all. There are some things to keep in mind when we find out. Here, "data" is more important than "emotion". This means that we will not prioritize our desires, but data. I will isolate this information into two sections. One is data from Amazon, the other is data from Google.

First we will select some products from Amazon's product list. I usually focus on 3 things:
1.How are the product reviews? There are not many reviews, which means you can't write more, you can't promote that product with more information. Again more reviews means it is well popular. Although there are paid reviews on Amazon, this thought has been dropped. You can standardize on 15+ reviews in the initial selection.

2.Is that product "Trendy" or not?This implies that it doesn't change effectively after some time. If so, it is better not to take it. Because people will always want the latest thing. I think you wrote today, but after 1 year it will not be latest. It then became Obsolete. Usually electronics products change drastically. Also, the commission is less in this area. So it is better not to work with this type of product.

What is niche

3.What is the price of the product. It depends on what kind of profit you want. Simply put, the lower the commission, the higher the price. But there is a "more" scale. In marketing we use the terms High Involvement and Low Involvement. Usually we call low priced products as Low Involvement Products. Because there is less of a buyer's involvement factor, it does not take much time to make a decision.Involvement factor is more in more expensive products, which means it takes a little time to buy. You will take the opinion of the people around you, you will want to go and buy it yourself. It is up to you to figure out how far you can go above the price. The less a buyer buys a mouse or keyboard, the easier it will be for him to buy an expensive laptop. And if you buy the link from your site within 24 hours of going to Amazon, you will get a commission.If the buyer goes to another review site and reads the review and goes to Amazon with that link, then you don't get anything else. I have already said that the buyer will take time for the High Involvement product, will verify much more. So no matter how good the information is on your page, you will be at risk.

Second, we need to consider the keyword planner data in the Google Adword Tool. Search the tool with the selected product. From the options Country: US, take the key word filter (in between) 800-2000, add “Best” to the key words to include. Then work on the results. Remember that the search volume of your product may be higher without "Best". Maybe someone wanted to know, wanted to see what Genista was. That doesn't mean he wants to buy.But consider yourself. When you search by typing Best, it means you are interested in buying, or in a mood to buy. So by adding Best we get an idea about the real Demand. Then search and put the keyword (by Relevance) data gula.From these data you will understand what other people search for that product by typing (or by name). The funny thing here is that the next time you find it difficult to rank with a specific keyword, you can easily rank using this type of alternate keyword. This process is called long tail keyword research. I will tell you more about it one day.

That's all for today. Hopefully this writing will clear up a lot of confusion for brand new marketers. In fact, I don't think there's a "standard" or "catch-all rule" in niche selection. Everything will depend on your over-all strategy and game plan. So if you can't find a "niche" that will follow all the rules, then there is nothing to despair about. Because 10 years from now, there may be no more niches that will follow this standard. So affiliate marketing will not stop, only that "standard" will be higher than today.


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